Friday, May 27, 2005

Home at last.

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Let me know if you want to meet up. I'm seeing Dann today (or will be, when he gets up and gives me a call), Gaz sometime next week, and Tori next Friday. I still need to find someone to come see her with me (preferably someone who's a fan), so let me know if you'd like to go!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

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Bangor makes me lose the will to live.


Friday, May 20, 2005

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Thursday, May 12, 2005


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Everything seems to be sorted now, although I'm not happy about it.

I decided that if Bristol wouldn't let me in (as it seemed absolutely perfect for me), I'd stay here. I gave them a ring and they said the unsuccessful stamp still remains, so I'm staying here. Sucks to be me, but I don't know what I can do about it. I don't qualify for Clearing, so that option is out. Top up fees don't start this year, but next, and as it's not this September it seems pointless to take a gap year. As I didn't take History, Geography, Biology or a modern language (the subjects they prefer you to have taken at A level) even if I did re-apply for next year, there wouldn't be much change in the responses (reference or no reference).

I've got a house with 3 other alternative/gothy people. I've only met two, but they're both really cool and interesting people who I get on really well with. I'm seeing the house next week but from what they've said it's lovely and they both want me to move in with them, so I can't see there being any problems. Maybe things will now start to improve, now I know two people who like the same music I do and go to Trash (Bangor's only rock night) every week and who seem to know absolutely everybody.

I'm trying to stay positive, but it is becoming difficult when I hate Bangor so very, very much, and deeply regret coming here in the first place - and I've lost my only chance of escape.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

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I don't know what happened to my font or colour in the previous post. I think it went on vacation. It wasn't done deliberately to draw attention to it! Although I guess that's the effect. Oh well.

Please don't kill me :(

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Bonjoor y'all: i must introduce you to hunter s thompson :P
L€çÅ®i: you've shown me some of his stuff but I've not had the chance to get a proper read.
Bonjoor y'all: well ill lend you some of his writings... he is a genuine one off
Bonjoor y'all: like sean connery, there is NO ONE like him
L€çÅ®i: he makes me laugh :D
Bonjoor y'all: ohh sean is fantastic
Bonjoor y'all: if i was gay i would marry him
L€çÅ®i: hahaha
Bonjoor y'all: *i emphasise i am not*

/end blackmail

That's what you get for insulting my jaw muscles :P (This is made all the more amusing by the fact that you probably can't remember saying it in the first place!)

Monday, May 09, 2005

Uni and accomodation for next year.

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The house hunt isn't looking too good at the moment -- I've been to see a few and had no response. The people on my corridor are all getting a house together, and one of them dropped out to live with their girlfriend instead, and I was going to move in with them. They told me I had first refusal and I was going to see it in the week (whenever was convenient with their exams), but they've rented it out to another girl they're friends with as she could give a definite yes/no there and then. I was going to move in to the one that I saw that seemd a bit small anyway instead, but I saw one of the girls yesterday who told me that the landlord had messed them around and while they were looking for a 3rd person (after paying the deposit), he'd rented it out to someone else. They got their deposit back, but he took about a month to tell them -- apparently it had already gone by the time I'd been to look round! He ended up sending the refund of their deposit and the explanation to the girl he knew had dropped out, and has been ignoring their phone calls/emails, so they aren't too happy about it. I'm still looking but there aren't many available now and they're all being taken pretty quickly, though I'm going to speak to Student Services later.

I'm definitely wanting to change to History now, so I spoke to UCAS about it, as I had to apply through them for the course (I was told I couldn't just do it via the University, which is odd). I also applied for another few Unis closer to home so I could change if I decided I wanted to and I hadn't heard anything from them since January -- when they sent me my reference back saying that I had to do it myself! (which I did, but I was not happy with.) I had a letter from them on Saturday saying that they'd noticed I hadn't told them my final choices, and I would have to reply by 4pm today (Monday) or they would automatically decline all of my offers! I didn't even know that they'd all replied yet -- they're supposed to send you a letter telling you of your final choices but obviously, they didn't do that. Due to the mess up with the reference, my only unconditional offers are from here, Kent or Lampeter (which was a last minute 'just incase I get rejected everywhere else' choice, so I don't really count it).

I would like to change Uni's, if I can, because I don't know many people here (only the people on my corridor and Kathryn) so I get quite lonely, there isn't really a lot to do here, and it's really far from home, but I haven't even looked round Kent so I don't want to find out when I get there that I hate it! I'm tempted to reject them all and go through Clearing, but I don't really want to rely on that as it's the courses that still have a space -- if there's not a history course at a decent University left, then I'll have to stay here and I still won't have any accomodation (and getting something at the last minute in September is going to be even harder!). I would really like to go to Bristol (it has lots of things to do, I know some people there already, and it's a good Uni for history, has a good reputation and it's much closer to home than Bangor), but because of UCAS messing up my application they've rejected me, and although they said they'd re-review my application they obviously haven't so I don't know what to do. It doesn't help that I'm expected to know by 4pm!

The only other option would be to take a gap year and go next September -- I'd be able to re-submit my application myself as I now have a copy of my reference, and I could raise the money to cover top up fees. I don't really want to do this, as all my current friends will be at Uni minus 3 (Ralph, Dann and Pete), so I'd probably get just as lonely at home as I am here at the moment and I'd be a bit left out. I also don't fancy the idea of working in a dead end retail job for another year and a half!

I'll probably ring UCAS up later to rar at them for messing up my application and for not sending me a letter with my final choices on, and I'm definitely going to go to the Student Union later (well, nowish) to talk to someone about my options for September and try and find somewhere to live. I would talk to my tutor about all this, but the only time I need to speak to him he's away on holiday til the 15th - typical! I really hope I can at least sort this out by today (even if I can't by 4pm), as I've gotten barely any sleep all weekend as I've just been worrying and stressing out over it (only about 2-3hrs every night), and it's not helping my general mood at all.

Oh well, holiday Friday! Yay! :D

Friday, May 06, 2005

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This house is like russia
with eyes cold and grey.
You got me moving in a circle,
I dyed my hair red today.
I just want a little passion
to hold me in the dark.
I know I've got some magic
buried deep in my heart.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Trent Reznor + Snape

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The resemblance is uncanny!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


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All the people I know, who are making poor excuses about how they aren't voting tomorrow, are really annoying me. I don't care who you vote for, as long as you do. Even if you spoil your ballot, at least you will have gone out there and done something. A vote is only wasted if you don't bother to.

It just seems stupid to say "well it doesn't affect me" - of course it does, it affects everybody! How can it not? Especially when most of the people saying that are the ones who are going to University this year or next - how does increasing University top up fees not affect you, for example? Anyone who says that is bullshitting completely. How can the long waiting lists on the NHS not affect you? For all you know, you or someone you care about may be affected by it in the near future. I've had a friend go into hospital just this week and need an operation - at least his was only postponed for a day! It could've been much worse.

"No one is worth voting for" - not voting isn't going to make any difference to that, though, is it? There's no way to tell between who was not voting because of a lack of suitable candidates and who's not voting because they're just too lazy to take 5mins out of their day to decide the fate of the country for the next 5yrs. You aren't making a stand against anything, despite what you may believe.

"I don't know anything about politics" - then find out! It's not like it's hard to find any information on each party's policies, especially now more than ever. I recommend this site (thanks Dom :D).

This is really starting to make me angry. Idiots.